We would like to share Youth Gatherings within the area! Click on the "GET CONNECTED!" to bring up our current list. Hopefully something in this list is of interest to you to get connected throughout the year! If you know of a gathering that you would like to be added, please email information to
Info for Campers
2025 Camp Dates: Monday, July 14 - Saturday, July 19
ReWelcome Campers and Parents. We are excited you are interested in joining us at camp this year. Age ranges for campers are those entering the 7th grade through those that have just recently graduated high school. Please make sure parents and campers read the Camper Rules and Information Packet prior to completing your application. For those parents that will have multiple children attending, separate applications will need to be completed for each camper and paid separately if using Venmo. We look forward to seeing you at Tar Hollow in July! Please note, we are unable to process applications until payment is compete.
The cost of Tar Hollow 2024 for IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS will be:
$135 for 1st child $110 for 2nd child $85 for any additional children
(Scholarships are available. Please click on the link below. Contact us if questions at
2024 Camper Application - CLOSED FOR CAMP 2024
Don't forget to check out the tab "Camp Store"!!!
We have a camp store now to purchase your additional attire!!!
What to bring to camp
Your BIBLE - we provide a Camp Book and a pen.
Clothes, clothes, and more clothes (Camp can be messy and temperatures vary greatly from morning until night. Be sure to include long pants and sweatshirts for chilly mornings or evenings.)
Flashlight and extra batteries
Bug spray and sunscreen
Toiletries - soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, etc.… and something to carry them to the bathhouse in
Towels (bath towels and beach towel) along with washcloths - with the humidity in July, towels don’t dry well so make sure to have at least a few packed.
Bathing suit (appropriate for a Christian camp) and a cover up shirt. Trash bag or laundry bag for dirty clothes
Shower shoes/sandals and extra tennis shoes (It can be wet and muddy depending on the weather.)
Raincoat or poncho
Jacket or coat
Bedding: Blankets or sleeping bag, sheets, pillow
Fan (optional - but highly recommended if weather forecast says it will be hot/moggy) Spending money for use at concession stand (Do not bring too much money.) Camera (optional) You may not use your phone as a camera. Leave your phone at home - it will be confiscated if found at any point in time during camp.
Water bottle to help you stay hydrated (optional but highly suggested) Musical instrument you play with sheet music if desired
Any material you want for your Cabin Worship Center. NO CANDLES ARE PERMITTED. Snacks are okay to bring BUT they need to be put in a metal tin (mice chew through plastic easily)
Two dozen cookies (preferably homemade) per family –
o Please put in tins or heavy containers to assure freshness.
o If you want your container back, mark it with the camper’s FULL name. o When you arrive at camp, please take them to the Camp Kitchen and give them to the Staff member in there.
what a typical day at camp looks like
6:15 Walkers/Runners - if you want to get up and moving early, this is for you!
6:45 Polar Bears - want to start your day with an early swim?! This is for you!
7:30 Rise & Shine - if you enjoy sleeping in, this is when you'll have to get up and moving ;)
7:50 Morning Watch - See "Services" tab
8:15 Quiet Time - time for you and God!
8:45 Flagpole & Breakfast
9:45 Cabin Clean-Up - a chance to tidy up your cabin!
10:30 Keynote - a message from our Keynoter
11:15 Discussion Groups - break out into small groups
12:15 Lunch
1:30 Dirty Duty - an opportunity to serve the camp by doing some chores!
2:00 Electives - classes/activities that are held by instructors/counselors for the campers
3:00 Recreation - free time to do several activities or relax!
5:30 Flagpole & Dinner
7:00 Evening Service
8:00 Evening Activity
10:00 Friendship Circle
10:30 Cabin Devotions
11:00 Lights Out
what NOT to bring to camp
Cell phones, camera phones, MP3 players, walkie talkies, radios, etc., Do not bring these items to camp. Any of the above being used for any reason will be confiscated and returned at the end of camp. Counselors will have alarm clocks and if a camper needs music to fall asleep, nature plays beautiful songs all night.
Tobacco Products, Smoking, E-Cigarettes, Juuling, and Vaping are NOT permitted for any campers, regardless of age. If any devices are found anywhere in a camper’s possession or in any of their belongings/vehicle, parents will be contacted by the Director and the camper will be sent home immediately. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
Drugs and Alcohol are prohibited in all State of Ohio Parks. All prescription medicine and over the counter drugs are required to be turned into medical staff as soon as campers arrive at camp in daily pre-packaged medicine baggies or blister packs. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
Medical Information
In the event of injury or illness to an individual while attending Tar Hollow Christian Adventure Camp, it is important that we receive a complete and accurate medical history on each person attending.
It is essential that we know when your last TETANUS INJECTION was. If you do NOT have an up-to-date tetanus injection, we strongly urge you to obtain one prior to attending camp.
All medical information is treated confidentially and will only be released to medical personnel or other camp staff as needed in order to provide the best care for each individual.
For the protection of the campers and staff, ALL prescription medications as well as over-the-counter medicines, WILL BE HELD BY CAMP MEDICAL PERSONNEL FOR THE DURATION OF THE CAMP. Exceptions will be made in the case of EMERGENCY heart, epi-pens, or asthma medications. Medicines must be given to medical staff or other staff assigned to the WELCOME TENT upon arriving at Tar Hollow. Required medications will be distributed appropriately by the medical staff at regularly scheduled times. "As needed" or "In case of" medications will be made available upon your request from the medical staff.
NO ONE will be permitted to attend this camp without the "Medical Information Form" being signed and on file with the camp staff along with your application BEFORE FIRST DAY OF CAMP. This form is part of the application that you will fill out and sign.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the camp staff through email ( or by phone (Nicki 937-606-0250; Tracy 937-726-2822).
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
camp rules
Gotta have rules to keep us all safe!
❖ Friends and family are not permitted to visit the camp during the week. ❖Attend and report to meals and special events ON TIME.
❖ Help your counselor by observing the camp schedule--especially lights out.
❖ Writing home is encouraged at camp. The mailbox is in the office. Stamps can be purchased at the concession stand.
❖ Have clean bodies and clothes. If needed, report to the nurses’ station for first aid treatment and/or medicine.
❖ Swim only at swim periods in the designated swimming area. No one can go to the lake or waterfront area unless it is on the schedule or unless granted special permission from the Waterfront Director.
❖ Camp Dress Code: Clothing should reflect the spirit of a Christian camp.
❖ Waterfront Dress Code: Swim wear should be appropriate for a Christian community. All campers, both male and female, are to wear a shirt or cover-up inside and around the perimeter of the Lodge (the area from the lodge to the craft house). Wet bathing suits are NOT permitted in the lodge during meals. No Speedos at any time.
❖ When using the recreational equipment, (sports equipment, boats, kayaks, canoes), care for them respectfully and RETURN them to their proper place when finished.
❖ Stay seated at your assigned table during meals and singing in the Lodge until everyone is dismissed.
❖ Report for hopper duty ON TIME. No bathing suits are permitted.
❖ Keep cabin clean and in order. This includes the grounds around the cabin.
❖ Tobacco Products, Smoking, E-Cigarettes, Juuling, and Vaping are NOT permitted for any campers, regardless of age. If any devices are found anywhere in a camper’s possession or in any of their belongings/vehicle, parents will be contacted by the Director and the camper will be sent home immediately. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
❖ Drugs and Alcohol are prohibited in all State of Ohio Parks. All prescription medicine and over the counter drugs are required to be turned into medical staff as soon as campers arrive at camp in daily pre-packaged medicine baggies or blister packs. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
❖ For the safety and security of staff and campers, the Staff Leadership Team (Executive Committee and/or Hill Supervisors) reserves the right to search cabins, personal property, and automobiles.
❖ All care packages will be opened in front of the Staff Leadership Team (Executive Committee and/or Hill Supervisors).
❖ Campers shall not be on other hills or in other cabins without authorization.
❖ Boys are not to be on the hill where there are girls’ cabins and vice-versa. Campers are not permitted on the hills without permission except during assigned times.
❖ Do not go up the hill after Friendship Circle without your counselor.
❖ Cabin Devotions should be done nightly before any other in cabin activities. ❖ Camp activities should involve the ENTIRE cabin.
❖ Put your name on your camp book and any other personal belongings. You are responsible for them.
❖ Try something during the day to feel the presence of God- LET GO AND LET GOD!
❖ All campers are expected to attend camp for the full week, unless some unanticipated emergency occurs. Exceptions may only be made by the camp director. Discussions to this manner must be held PRIOR to camp.
❖ There will be no driving of campers on the hills, to the Green Cathedral, to the dam, etc. at any time, unless deemed necessary by a camp director.
❖ Because of past problems with cell phones, camera phones, MP3 players, walkie talkies, radios, etc., do not bring these items to camp. Any of the above being used for any reason will be confiscated and returned at the end of camp. Counselors will have alarm clocks and if a camper needs music to fall asleep, nature plays beautiful songs all night.
❖ Any camper leaving the camp without authorization may be sent home immediately.
By signing the application, you are stating that you have read and agree to follow the rules listed above.
Any violation of the Camp Rules will be subject to one or more of the following consequences:
● Extra camp duties as assigned by the Director
● Call home to parents
● Being sent home
● Not permitted to return to camp in future years without committee approval
parents drop off and pick up info
Arrival at Camp - When you arrive at camp, after 2:00 p.m. but before 3:00 p.m., report to the WELCOME TENT in front of the lodge for registration and cabin assignments. All medication baggies should be taken to the MEDICAL STAFF and checked in at this time as well. There will be a meeting in the Lodge at 3:30 p.m. for all campers and staff at which time we will give out Camp Books, etc...
Departure from Camp – We will be dismissed by State Park Staff after our inspection between 10:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. Parents are encouraged to arrive at 10:30AM and can participate in the final Friendship Circle with us. ALL camp participants will be involved in camp clean-up and campers will not be dismissed until after we have finished. In addition, state park rules state that all campers and staff MUST be out of the park by 12:00.
important camp dates and reminders
First-time to Tar Hollow Camper/Parent Meeting - This is a very informative meeting and anyone who has never been to camp before should plan to attend. There will be a slideshow to give you and your camper an idea of what camp looks like, explain daily schedules, discuss experiences, and answer any questions.
● Location: Sidney First Methodist Church
● Date: Tuesday, July 9th, 2024
● Time: 6:00 pm
Loading the Semi: We will need help loading the truck on Saturday July 13th, so please plan to help (bring friends along), especially if you are putting things on the truck.
Transportation of Luggage can be transported to Tar Hollow for you on the camp semi. It needs to be at Sidney First Methodist Church parking lot by 9:00 a.m. Monday, July 15, 2024. You may pick up returning luggage on the Sunday, July 21 after the 11:00 church service.
Unloading the Semi: We will be unloading the semi on July 21st at 12:00 Noon and need everyone’s help to get things put back away - please plan on attending.
Care packages/mail for campers
Tar Hollow Resident Camp
16396 Tar Hollow Road
Laurelville, OH 43135
Be sure the sender uses their Home Address for the return address (upper left hand corner), in case mail arrives after we have departed.
ALL care packages will be opened in front of the Staff Leadership Team (Executive Committee and/or Hill Supervisors).
If you copy this link, you will be able to send a camper an e-letter, too :)
stay connected!
You can check out pictures and updates throughout the week on Facebook page: Tar Hollow Parents' Page (request to join). We will attempt to update this page daily during the week.
We also have a page for Campers to stay connected throughout the year! Facebook page: Tar Hollow Campers (request to join). We like to post things or events through the year!
We will share some Youth Group opportunites during our week at camp. Check back occasionally to see if we may post more information here!
Important Information!!